Sunday, February 10, 2008

yarn, flowers and snow

I love this yarn, it's going to be a scrumptious scarf and maybe fingerless gloves.

And this fabulous yarn is going to be my first Clapotis--- a rectangular wrap. It will be my most difficult item so far.

It's another cold, snowy Sunday. Days like this I love my wood stove, and my husband for chopping so much wood. Another thing Steve has done for me is to bring me a taste of spring in the middle of winter. He spent hours and hours researching how to force bulbs to bloom in winter, then more hours choosing which ones to buy. Followed by planting, worrying, keeping them cold, worrying some more, watching them, waiting. And................success! I have springtime in my window! See?

The first ones to appear...

These all came within a day of each other.

Aren't they beautiful? And you should smell them...divine.
Now for what it is really like outside...........
Where's the back yard?????

This was the actual temperature a few days ago...the coldest I have ever experienced. BRRRR!
I can't have all these pictures without at least one person... we get two Erik James's :-))))

I'll know tomorrow if I am going to Homer....................

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