Beauty in my life comes in many forms. Here are some of them:
My oldest boy, Jacob has moved into our basement. It is so good to have him back. :-)
Instead, how about some beauty that God made? Steve and I went to Home depot and bought some flowers for the planter box he built for our mailbox. Here is a gorgeous yellow gerber daisy followed by a red one.
And here is my sweetie making me window boxes. He is a real beauty.
Now this beauty is in the eyes of the beholder... not my David, he is a beauty, but the tattoo? He loves it, I think the colors are beautiful, but it's kinda big.
I finally finished a shawl that I started over a year ago. I love it and it makes me warm at the movies...which takes me to STAR TREK! Oh my goodness, it is such a great movie. Oh, and see what it's hanging on? It's the wonderful planter box Steve made for me. I can't wait till all my gerber daisys are in bloom.
Here's my Emmy girl. Isn't she pretty?