Friday, May 29, 2009


May has been a very nice month. We have had such a warm and sunny spring, I am so spoiled. Today is raining, and I am loving it. The wonderful smell coming in my windows is so nice. Don't get me wrong, I do want more sunny days.. I am just glad that I can still appreciate the rainy ones.
Beauty in my life comes in many forms. Here are some of them:
My oldest boy, Jacob has moved into our basement. It is so good to have him back. :-)
My Erik was at the correctional officers academy for 5 weeks, and is now back. YAY! I missed you Erik.
I would put a picture of Tim and Katie here since they make me happy, but alas, they haven't sent me any.
Instead, how about some beauty that God made? Steve and I went to Home depot and bought some flowers for the planter box he built for our mailbox. Here is a gorgeous yellow gerber daisy followed by a red one.

And here is my sweetie making me window boxes. He is a real beauty.

Now this beauty is in the eyes of the beholder... not my David, he is a beauty, but the tattoo? He loves it, I think the colors are beautiful, but it's kinda big.
I finally finished a shawl that I started over a year ago. I love it and it makes me warm at the movies...which takes me to STAR TREK! Oh my goodness, it is such a great movie. Oh, and see what it's hanging on? It's the wonderful planter box Steve made for me. I can't wait till all my gerber daisys are in bloom.
Here's my Emmy girl. Isn't she pretty?These are some pretty flowers that Steve picked me at work. I've been looking at them for over a week. Steve is such a sweet husband.
Can I have a post about beauty without yarn? No, I can't. This is "Oh what a beautiful morning"
And these came today... Rosewood, cherry blossom, and mulberry. Sharon from Three Irish Girls is a genius.


Hannah Hosh said...

Oh Janet, I just love your blog!

Sherrie Jo said...

Your blog makes me smile. Janet, you are such a blessing to know. I wish we could have time to get together, but we both have lots of family to spend our time on. I still want to learn knitting from you some day. As much as I love seeing my grandchildren in your blog, I can't wait for your pictures to include your own grandchildren one day!

Janet said...

You make me feel the same way Sherrie! We just need to make the time. We'll have a pride and prejudice night or even day, and knit.
And the grandkids.. oh I want them. I really do!