Thursday, September 1, 2011


Kids.  Isn't it amazing how much they change our lives? Once you have a child, your life is never the same.  I am always being told that my boys aren't my babies since they are grown up now, but they will always always be my babies.  My youngest just left for Bible school again.  I miss him, but I am so happy that he is learning and growing closer to God.  All my kids have a walk with Jesus, I am blessed. 

Grandkids.  There just aren't words to describe how special my girls are.  Steve watches Robin on his days off, and I'm starting to get better so I can be more involved now.  We are now watching Eleanor every other Wednesday as well.  It is work, but so so rewarding.  As I told my Dad last week, I am not a spring chicken anymore, I'm a fall chicken... I would say I'm summer but who am I kidding?  I'm a fall chicken.  :-)  Right now I'm feeling more like a late winter girl, but today was such a great day.  Robin smiled and smiled and smiled.  She laughed and was mellow and sweet.  Eleanor had the best day ever, she took her bottle like a champ, smiled,  and laughed.  Oh, and Jacob loaned me his camera so I got PICTURES.  Yay!!!  I have so missed my camera.

I love my family.  

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