Monday, December 10, 2007

My new love

I have a new love in my life. She is 6 years old, and is sleeping on the couch beside me as I type. Her name is Emmy. Actually, her name is "Denali, and the envelope goes to". She is my new sheltie. I see her sleeping, and I think of Tony. I remember him, and miss him. But she is not Tony, she is a little princess as Steve calls her. I fell in love with her on a 3 hour ride from Kenai to Anchorage. Then I had separation anxiety as I put her in a crate and let the airlines take her. I thought about her my entire flight, rushed off the airplane and downstairs at my Juneau airport, and went to where she would be taken. They said she would probably be the last off, she was the first. :-))))) She remembered me! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, more love. I took her out, walked her through the airport, got so many "look how pretty, isn't she cute, oh, can I pet her", and then let her go outside. Then into the car, meet Erik (wow, she's so small, isn't she pretty), home. MAX! Max so wanted to love her. We made him wait, he was way to excited. David loves her, says that it was a good decision to get her. :-) Max calms down, and they meet. Emmy still isn't sure about him, but she's not scared. She meets Lucy, things are ok. She meets Kelly, things are mostly ok. Kelly hisses a bit. I get jealous when she lays on the couch by David, then when I sit in a nearby chair she hops off the couch and comes to me. I am so happy! She likes me! She follows me all through the house, and now I am back to her asleep beside me on the couch.
Thank you Susan for raising such a sweet wonderful girl. I know you will miss her, but I will love her.
God worked so many things out for us...we didn't have to pay the 100.00 to put her on the plane, our flight was going to be sent to Sitka due to weather and made it in to Juneau, and she is perfect. Thank you God for giving me what I needed at this time in my life- someone who loves me and who I can dote on.
Anyway, I am sleepy and content.

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