Monday, November 3, 2008

an update on Erik

I am continually awed by God's goodness to me and my family.  My Erik is still in the hospital in Seattle, but is doing so much better.  On Sunday night the doctor's had scheduled Erik for surgery to remove his spleen.  Before they could get him in for the operation, someone came into the ER with a more urgent need for surgery, so they got Erik's OR.  By the time it was available for him, his blood counts were up so the doctors decided to wait.  He now is out of ICU, in a regular room and not in need of having his spleen removed.  Miriah just called me and said that Erik stood up today and walked in place for 5 minutes.  He got dizzy and tired, but he did it.  :-))))  The doctors said that he could possibly come home on Friday.  He is still in lots of pain, and will be for quite some time.  They are also still watching him for signs of pneumonia.. but he is better!  What do people who don't know God do?  How do they cope?  Without God there wouldn't be hope.

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