Saturday, June 13, 2009


Memories are powerful things. They can make you happy, they can make you sad. Today while looking for some cards, I ran across an old picture of Dale. The missing him hit me so hard. The loss of our life together, the Dad my boys didn't get to grow up with. The memories of the life we had, with both the good and the bad. I tend to get a bit blue every June and early July, it just came early this year. It will be 13 years that he's been gone on July 3rd. I'm so grateful that God loves us, that He sent Jesus to die for us. That Dale is in Heaven with Him right now, and that I will see him again. What would I do without Jesus to comfort me? I'm so glad I will never have to know.


A Contrarian's Way said...

Found your blog through your enjoyment of Keith Green and read your post. I lost my dad at 19, he too was a believer. God's continued peace on you (and my mom) as you travel this life as widows and remember God's promises to the widows and orphans. :-) Peace of Christ to you. Jeremy Z.

Janet said...

Thank you for your kind words. I am curious, how did me liking Keith Green lead you to my blog? And I do love his music.

A Contrarian's Way said...

When looking for other bloggers I click on Keith Green in the my profile. That brings up all the other bloggers who also listed Keith Green. It is from that list that I found your blog. Keith's music and testimony tends to be a pretty good filter for kindred spirits. I have found many cool blogs through that common denominator.

Hannah Hosh said...

"What would I do without Jesus to comfort me? I'm so glad I will never have to know. " That is a beautiful statement Janet.