Friday, April 23, 2010

what, 3 posts in one day???

So I keep thinking of things I haven't talked about.  Steve was working nights last week, and I didn't get to talk very much, well, except to myself and that doesn't count.  ;-)  and then didn't blog either.  Now I have so much in my head! And I'm rambling.
 It's all Dr. Huffman's fault.... I love having a naturopath as a doctor!  I have energy, and I can do a few things and not get over tired.  He had me take a few tests, and it turns out my hormones are off again.  He put me on some fab progesterone, and I feel great!  ( I was quite cranky at first, but not anymore)
Today I forgot to eat, and it didn't totally wipe me out.  Not a big deal for most people, but it is for me.  I even went to costco after work, and cleaned the kitchen, and I'm only a tiny bit tired.  YAY!  I might actually become the old Janet again.  And the sun is STILL shining.
I'm just in a terrific mood.  God is good.  God is amazing. I need to say that even when I'm grumpy and unhappy.

And there is finally a restaurant in Juneau that I can eat at and not get sick.... The Sandpiper.
Steve and I go there for breakfast occasionally, and this is what we eat:

Steve's banana pancakes

my vegan french toast.. and there was ham on the other plate.

And this is a plant we have at the Calvary House... it is blooming.  Do you know what it is?????


Sherrie Jo said...

Hey Janet,
It's a lipstick plant. Google it and you'll see why it's called that. The red center of the flowers grows out long, like a tube of lipstick! It doesn't like direct sun too much and does like a bit of humidity.

Hannah Hosh said...

The Sandpiper's vegan french toast is so good! I think it's even better than their other kinds of french toast.