Monday, July 14, 2008


It's late on Monday morning, and I'm still sitting here at my computer. I should be up and cleaning some more, but here I sit with my coffee and list. I've been remembering Erik and my other boys as little guys. They were all so cute, ornery and unique. I've been blessed to have had 4 sons. I remember women coming up to me when they were little and saying you poor thing, you have 4 boys?! I consider myself fortunate. They weren't hard, they were fun. Exasperating at times, of course. When Tim and Katie get here on Wednesday I will have all my boys back home. I can't wait.
David is 19, Jacob is about to be 27. Where did the time go? I am so blessed to have these fine men.

There will of course be hundreds of pictures taken over the next week, but I won't post them all. :-)
Oh, on another topic, I was informed by Dr. Huffman that all of my metals are gone. ALL OF THEM! Even the arsenic, which he said would probably not respond to the pills I was taking. That is such and answer to prayer, God is so good to me.

Well, that's all for now.

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